Forgotten Liberty


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This is the order of our songs on our CD "Holding Hands Boyfriend Girlfriend Style."

All lyrics written by joel except "jenn" and "fallen". Justin wrote those.


Through inocent eyes, she views the world
There's so much life, it seems so new

She starts off strong, then come the lies
She's told she's worthless, that noone cares

In the midst of all the chaos
In the midst of this war
Throught the thick cloud of lies
I can say with my whole heart

I still love you

She listens to the lies, takes them to heart
And acts on them, destroying her inner and outer self

For months it goes on, what am I to do
I love her too much, I cannot let her slip away

In the midst of all the chaos
In the midst of this war
Throught the thick cloud of lies
I can say with my whole heart

I still love you

I'll always be there for you

AWAKE (click on "sounds" to download.)
In my dream, in my dream You are here with me
We laugh we cry Then dry our eyes Just you and me
And I hope my dream can come true And I hope you think so too

In my dream, in my dream We go out at night
We talk for hours and count the stars Till it starts getting light
And I hope my dream can come true And I hope you think so too

For your presence shames the sun Your smile leaves me breathless
Youre so wonderful, too wonderful for me and I wish this moment were never done

Because i love you, i love you so much i cry
So cant you, so cant you sympathize
I hope that in the end I can hold you close never let you go again
I hope that in the end I can hold you close never let you go again

In my dreams in my dreams These moments never end
It is my hope that in lifes light They will soon begin

I cryed myself to sleep again tonight
my tear soaked face illuminates the moons pale light
what to do when you are thrown away
is to pick the garbage off your face and live your life
though it burns deep inside i cry to make the pain subside

stop this bleeding in my soul
she kisses me then rips me all to shreds
kill the pain and make me whole
i pound my fist into my bed

she dosent care that i hurt deep inside
when no ones there, not one in who i can confide
numb the angst which sears my soul with fire
come back and tell me everything will be ok
theres no other way that can make me feel whole today

time stands dead here in my head as I wander in the dark
the pain is real only you can heal only you can make you mark
She is so far but makes a scar up on my broken wings
Yet all is not gone for I cling on the hope tomorrow brings

I lost today thought things were going straight now it seems that all the good is fading back. To trust His way seems to keep my fear at bay the only thing that can make up what I lack. You paint a picture so vivid yet it turns to gray, you make gold out of ashes, but they melt away
My mind turns back, again to yesterday when things were fine and set up in their place.

What to do its coming back to you a circle where the embers slowly burn. What to say I feel now so far away but for that peace my self no longer yearns

Now it is gone is everything so very wrong what I need is to get me back on track. With the curtains drawn I feel lost amidst the throng, what I need is now no longer what I lack. You seem to be as the music lasting for so long, you make me feel so simple a resounding gong
This day so horrible makes the days forgone as sweet as when I clearly see your face.

The future changed today Out ties broke as they fell
I wanted any other way then to leave you by yourself
Still God told me this is right so raise that sagging smile
It was me who dismissed the light to that path that leads us on

Youve changed since we were close youve grown smaller in my eyes
You seem to lie and then to boast your wounded ego starts to rise
I fume by day and cry by night darkness happened all at once
Still onwards I will fight towards light from a rising sun

I knew the start when end had come you are my closest friend
I see the person youve become I see your emotions as they bend
And now I see her differently as more than just your friend
And I know that it is she I will stand by at this end

Reality seems bent the two the one the crowd
They feel emotion went up with them to their cloud
One hurt and two pass smiles as the warmth spreads oer the earth
They touch and reconcile he is burdened by his hurt

OBSTRUCTION (click on "sounds" to download.)
One nation under stress feeling my mind cant do the rest. Eagles eye turn and fall help me please im out of control. Putting my mind to the test watching the pain surface. I turn to run but I cant hide I guess hes on my side

Obstruction hard to fall gates are open its my call
Help me God help me God I dont want to fall

My skin burns my heart aches my pain is felt by Him
My love is to the brim I think im filling up
Putting my mind to the test watching the pain surface
I turn to run but I cant hide I guess hes on my side

SONG FOR A BRIGHTER TOMORROW (click on "sounds" to download)
Break your box and fly youve grafted gilded angels wings. Ill meet you in the sky so I can show you all these things
I want to fly high with you right to the brink of space
If you want to soar with me well have to leave this place

So let us leave earths thoughts and forget our Painful memories. To feel that weightlessness we feel when were together ever floating on the breeze I never want to touch the ground. We will fly towards rising suns where warmth and light may be Found

You think you think I love you I think I love you too

Hold your breath well fly away off in search of brighter days. Suspending time here on this earth these moments never pass away

The richest coloured birds cant hold the colour I see in you. Their songs and shades turn grey when I see you your shining through. Please dont leave me here to walk up on this sod. And lets go to that place where all the brightest angels Trod

You think you think you love me I know I love you too

Hold your breath well fly away off in search of brighter days. Suspending time here on this earth these moments never pass away. Wings unfurl pushing air effortlessly without a care. Its such a joy to fly away when I am spending time with you

I never thought it would come down to this
I never thought i'd get this far
I'me on my knees Lord, Begging for your grace
the only thing that redeems me

I've fallen for this world again
only you can save me
I've fallen into sin again
only you can forgive me

I never thought I could be so mean
I never thought I'd sink so low
I'm on my knees Lord, Begging for your love
The only thing I need from you

I've fallen for this world again
only you can save me
I've fallen into sin again
only you can forgive me

I thank you Father for the things you have done
I thank you for the life I live
I'm on my knees Lord, praising your name
Do what you want to with me

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